Jogos e az Univerzális üdvösség tana?
Egyesek szerint mindenki üdvözülni fog, a bukott angyalok és maga a Sátán is.
Jehova Isten legyőzhetetlen. Ő a "Legyőzhetetlen". A Sátán sok angyalt és embert legyőzött, de mit ért ezzel, ha Istent nem tudja legyőzni?
Érdekes jelenség az, hogy Sátán nem tud felhagyni azon tervével, hogy Istent támadja és legyőzze. Kigyógyíthatatlan mentális betegségben szenved. Rögeszmévé vált benne a gondolat. Még az ezer éves börtönviselése sem tudja megváltoztatni - Jelenések 20:7-10 ezért jogos a létből való teljes kitörlése...
Miért engedne meg Isten egy ilyen beteg jellemnek, aki ennyi szenvedést okozottés még fog okozni, hogy addig szemtelekedjen és nyomort okozzon ameddig akar?
- God is Good
- God is Loving
- God is Strong
- God is Merciful
- God is Forgiving
- God is Great
Some say everyone will be saved, including the fallen angels and Satan himself. This is Universalism.
These can all be the arguments used by Universalists, but two are lacking in capital importance, God is also Wise and Right.
Would this be fair and wise? Would not universalist doctrine create a precedent for some to sin forever knowing that they would be forgiven anyway?
Wouldn't Satan and the demons, and even others, take such an opportunity?
Is the doctrine of Universal Salvation justified?
Could you feel safe, knowing that anytime, anywhere and anybody in eternity they could scramble and scandalize forever?
So, on the contrary, should there not be an example of exemplary punishment?
God cannot be defeated
Yehovah God is invincible. He is the "Invincible." Satan has defeated many angels and men, but what does it mean if he cannot defeat God?
An interesting phenomenon is that Satan cannot give up his plan to attack and defeat God. He suffers from an incurable mental illness. The thought became an obsession in him. Even a thousand years of imprisonment cannot change it - Revelation 20: 7-10 is therefore justified in its complete erasure from existence ...
Why would God allow such a sick character who would still cause so much suffering to contemplate and cause misery as long as He wills?
So, on the contrary, should there not be an example of exemplary punishment?
God cannot be defeated
Yehovah God is invincible. He is the "Invincible." Satan has defeated many angels and men, but what does it mean if he cannot defeat God?
An interesting phenomenon is that Satan cannot give up his plan to attack and defeat God. He suffers from an incurable mental illness. The thought became an obsession in him. Even a thousand years of imprisonment cannot change it - Revelation 20: 7-10 is therefore justified in its complete erasure from existence ...
Why would God allow such a sick character who would still cause so much suffering to contemplate and cause misery as long as He wills?
I see no rational logic behind it, only syrupy theater ...
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